Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Meaning of Detergent and Role of Detergent Consultancy

Detergent is common name given to the chemicals knows as Alfa olefin sulphonates. These chemicals are used as anti deposition agents, brightening agents, bleachers and stain removers. A detergent is a cleaning agent with dilute solutions. It cleans by diluting the solutions with water. The potassium salt or sodium of long chain fatty acid is soaps. The detergents are the salt of long chain sulphonic acid.  Detergents are obtained by petrochemicals, animal fat or vegetable oil. The other substances are added to a detergent to enhance its quality and characteristics. These substances are antioxidants, enzymes, fabric softeners, antimicrobials agents and builders.

Detergents are used to clean the fabrics, remove dust and stains. They do this job by penetrating the fabric, when it is wet. They help in loosening dust particles with the help from washing machine. Finally they emulsify the dirt particles and keep them suspended in the water solution. Detergents can come in liquid form, powder form, detergents creams, compact detergent, and hallowed detergent powder. 

The basic role of detergent consultancy is to give suggestion and guidelines on setting up a detergent manufacturing unit.  They also give detail knowledge on making of different detergents, role of machines in making these detergents and advice which machine will be best for the particular detergent making. Other important part of the consultancy is giving knowledge of economic of the plant, land and building, expenses involved in making the unit and product schedule. The detail report of the consultancy also gives all information that helps to successfully run the business. This report is very detailed report contains several parts. These include, introduction, basic features of the manufacturing unit, bureau of Indian standard specification and measurements, current market status of the detergents, future projects, need for license, list of plant machinery needed and other accessories required with it.

Any individual or businessman Detergent Formulation Consultant starting detergent business can get the all information and knowledge required to do the business.  The production process, mixing of ingredients, quality standard, source of raw material and market for products can also be obtained from the consultancies.  Some consultancies connect the individuals to source of raw material and major suppliers of raw materials.   The extent of consultancy goes to include the essential financial aspect of the detergent business as well. This aspect of consultancy shows the prospects of profit, initial expenses, requirement of daily working capital, use of technology and its level.

The business man comes Detergent Consultant to know the pros and cons of the detergent business before the start of the business.  The consultancy is important as it provides the whole view of the possible daily expense and total expenses over the year. The clear picture of the detergent business including its installation and production expenses and profit margins in touch market conditions helps a businessman to take the final step of setting up the plant with confidence and through knowledge.